

The work of the Foundation is made possible through the generous contributions from Westwood residents and local businesses who appreciate the importance of educational enrichment throughout our community. There are many ways you can support the Foundation for Westwood Education.

How To Donate

Individual Donors:
Make a secure online credit card donation or to donate by mail, please send check to Foundation for Westwood Education, PO Box 2507, Westwood, MA 02090.

Matching Gifts
The Foundation is pleased to accept Matching Gifts from your employer. Our legal name is Westwood Educational Foundation, Inc. and our tax id number is 04-3108294.  Simply complete and sign the appropriate section(s) of your employer’s Matching Gift form, include it with your donation, and the Foundation’s treasurer will complete the form and submit it for processing.  We appreciate you notifying us by email if you submit a request through your company’s online Matching Gift program.

Corporate Donors:
We rely on our local business partners to continue our mission. If you are a local business interested in supporting the Foundation, visit our Donors page.


The Foundation’s Board is made up of volunteers from all areas of Westwood. New directors are appointed every spring.  If you are interested in donating your talents and time to enhance the Foundation for Westwood Education, please email us.

Donation Details

The Westwood Educational Foundation Inc., now doing business as (DBA) Foundation for Westwood Education, is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code and your contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 04-3108294.

Commemorative and Memorial Gifts

A commemorative gift to the Foundation is a wonderful way to recognize those exemplary teachers or community members who have made a difference in your child’s education. Through a memorial gift, family, friends, and acquaintances can express their condolences with the positive action of supporting educational programs in Westwood. If you'd like to honor someone in this way, please download the form here.

Support Educational Programming In Our Community

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